Unique Adventures

Each trip here is unique, special, extraordinary …. something you’ll do once in your lifetime, if at all. They are the stuff dreams are made of. For a lucky few … they become reality. Read and dream … and feel free to contact us to learn more about one of these rare journeys. I’m always happy to chat about the various options, so don’t hesitate to give me a shout ….

Your Dive Liveaboard

Australia Napoleon wrasse clear blue bkgrd opt

Adventures with Likeminded Ocean Enthusiasts

Behind the Mask Travel Trips

World's best diving in dynamic company

Looking for a trip with a dynamic group of fellow underwater lovers? Then our partners at Behind the Mask Travel might have your fix! Over 40 group trips planned in the coming years, all the way from Mexico to Alaska! Fun, ocean epicness and in the company of a sharky team!

Eye to eye with the great Apes

Wild Gorillas of Uganda

8 days of Primate encounters and African wildlife Safari

If you are looking for a big animal experience in the heart of Africa, say no more. From the gorillas in Bwindi to chimpanzees in Kibble and a Wildlife BIG 5 Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park: this is true safari magic from the comfort of spectacular nature embedded lodges with true wildlife greatness.
Malpelo silky shark shutterstock 178533530 opt

Migrating Devil Rays

Mobulas & Orcas

and predatory Orcas ...
April to July read more for spaces in 2025 & 2026

These unique trips offer the excitement of gigantesque swirling baitballs in the Pacific Ocean surrounded by hungry, energized striped marlins & sea lions. You'll revel in an incredible experience which few divers have had
Malpelo silky shark shutterstock 178533530 opt

Feeding Frenzy Spectacular

Magdalena Bay Marlins

Marlins, Sea Lions & Bait Balls
October & November from $2500

These unique trips offer the excitement of gigantesque swirling baitballs in the Pacific Ocean surrounded by hungry, energized striped marlins & sea lions. You'll revel in an incredible experience which few divers have had
Philippines Anilao pink fan fish shutterstock 261263369 opt

Dances With Mantas

Scintillating Socorro

aboard our favorite liveaboards
8 & 10- night trips ... 2024 and 2025

Picture yourself flying through the blue with giant Pacific Manta Rays .... while lurking all around you are sharks & dolphins ... and possibly whale sharks & humpbacks. These expeditions will be teeming with marine life .... and incomparable encounters !

Book your spot on our liveaboard finder

Most of our liveaboards are on Live Search. You can search for spaces, rates & other details. Choose your destination, apply the filters … and away you go!

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