Shark Encounters

The Dive Advice team is simply “shark-mad”.  Join us here for some of our sharkiest adventures.

Yep.   We do, too !   In fact, the Dive Advice team is simply “shark-mad”.    Sure, corals & critters are Great … with a capital “G” … but, our primary passion is pelagics  …  and sharks in particular.   Check out some of our sharkiest adventures.In this section.  You’ll find some of our very favorite trips …. remembering that there are oh! so many others to be found on the site.  Questions about a trip ?  Give me a shout  …. Cheers, Dom

Your Dive Liveaboard

Bahamas Cat Island oceanic whitetip fish deep blue shutterstock 148570493 Copy opt

Dive With Fearsome Predators

Cat Island Oceanic Whitetips

April & May each year

Picture the Bahamas ... crystalline waters, white sand beaches, rolling green hills & a languid way of life. So, where's the adrenaline rush? Well, for one, near Cat Island you’ll find sheer walls, drop-offs & untouched reefs. But, there’s no question that the whitetips are the biggest drawing card.
Bahamas hammerhead smiling shutterstock 256961539 opt

Mysterious Migration

Just Passing Through

Hammers & Bulls ... Bimini, Bahamas
from November to April

Bull sharks mix in with great hammerheads. All together they provide simply awesome action, especially for photographers. From November each year, the hammerheads begin to arrive at Bimini. They are en masse in February & March, then disappear by the end of April.
Malpelo silky shark shutterstock 178533530 opt

Malpelo : A Marine Pageant

Pinnacle Of Shark Diving

13-night extravaganza
Spaces available 2025 & 2026

Dive into one of the richest pelagic realms with hammerheads, silkies, Galapagos sharks, whitetip reef & blacktip sharks, all shrouded by thousands of fish in giant bait balls. Everyone wants to Dive Malpelo. Join us there ! It's like being an ancient explorer discovering a new world

Book your spot on our liveaboard finder

Most of our liveaboards are on Live Search. You can search for spaces, rates & other details. Choose your destination, apply the filters … and away you go!

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