The world‘s finest diving

Nautilus Explorer Humpbacks Last Minute 450x350February 10 – 20 – 1 female space
$5195 + 5% tax    10 nights

March 1 – 10 – 1  male space
$4669 + 5% tax    9 nights

March 20 – 28 – 2 spaces
from $3095 + 5% tax  8 nights

These are PRIME TIME humpback season and not to be missed!  At Socorro you will swim with sharks – at least 7 species of them – plus giant dogtooth tuna, humpback whales, dolphins, giant schools of jacks, plus mantas.  The warmer waters of the fall yield encounters with whale sharks, while spring is the season for the humpbacks.    See Nautilus Explorer details

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