Thailand has set very specific requirements for divers visiting the Similan Islands. This is due to the effort to manage the impact of tourism on the islands and their wildlife  … read more|dest|closed}

The National Park now dictates that a maximum of 525 divers may enter the Similan National Park each day. This means that liveaboard operators have to pre-purchase entry tickets from 60 days prior to a cruise departure.   If you already have a confirmed trip the following details will be required immediately.  I you are planning on booking a trip, they will be required upon confirmation of your booking:

  • name as seen on your passport
  • passport number
  • date of birth
  • diving certification
  • paper copies or original cards of dive insurance & dive certification

Without these details the liveaboards reservations team will be unable to purchase an entry ticket for you. While travelling, you need to have your documents with you for inspection by park rangers or risk being barred from diving.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.{/sliders}

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